A few months ago I listened to a book on tape. (Yes, on tape...I know... ghetto!) "5 Scriptures That Will Get You Through Almost Anything" by John Bytheway and in it he said that God let Abraham go through what he did because "Abraham needed to learn something about Abraham." Abraham needed to know that he had it in himself, that he was strong enough to climb a mountain and do ANYTHING that God asked him to do.
At times I think we can feel a little bit like Abraham. Sacrificing our desires for children for other things that the Lord wants us to do at the present moment. Not that we can help it. It's just that we have to learn to give into his will and accept the "other callings" that he has for us at the time. We all have our own mountains to climb and our own sacrifices to make. We all have a little something to learn about ourselves.
Sitting in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago, I had a thought, "If we could only see what Heavenly Father sees, maybe we would be more willing to do his will."
"Hindsight is 20/20" right?
As I look back and think about the person I was 3 or more years ago...I realize that through experiences that I have had in this trail, my faith, my conviction, my testimony and the truthfulness of the gospel have all been strengthened. I have had the chance to build my own strong testimony of the Savior and his Atonement. I have come to know what it feels like to sacrifice. My husband and I have been able to build a very strong relationship. I have been able to strengthen other relationships. I understand what it really means to have an eternal family and know that all things are part of God's plan for us here on this earth. I cherish all of this knowledge with all of my heart. I really cannot say that I am grateful for this trail...What I am grateful for though, is the things that I have learned through it.
I believe that God works Miracles. However, most of the time, I forget about the Miracles that we don't see...the ones that happen within ourselves. These Miracles are ongoing.
There is a song that I know a lot of you know...
"What Heaven Sees in You" (or Three White Dresses)
It is such a beautiful song, I cry every time I hear it, it has such significance to me. I love that for the "3rd white dress" it doesn't just focus on the wedding day, but all the "promises" that we can make and that have been made to us. It reminds me that I can still go to that House of God and be reminded of those promises.
During the difficult times we go through, it's good to remember who we are and who is cheering us on.
We all have the strength to get to the top of the mountain, we just have to see it in ourselves.